August 15, 2012

Blog Favorites

Today's post marks number 65 for Bank & Office Interiors. Writing once a week (usually on Wednesdays) since March 18th, 2011, our topics have ranged from cool furniture products, ways to stay healthy at the office, and a list of songs about work. As the primary writer, I've enjoyed creating many of these posts and wanted to share what I think the cool/interesting ones have been so far and look forward to creating more witty, entertaining and educating posts in the future.

Please click on the title to link to the article

1. Gearing Up For NeoCon. - NeoCon for the furniture community is a big deal. And it is huge. I wrote this article to give tips to first timers or a refresh for veterans. Such a cool event!

2. Your Health and the Office - Don't Neglect Yourself - Last year saw a lot of awareness raised about the evils of sitting for too long in your office chair. It includes a great infographic from mashable's story.

3. One Lean Journey Leads To Another - Dana, our Director of IT, wrote a great blog on a project we did with Steelcase and the University of Washington to make them more lean.

4. Your Worklife Without the Copier? - Can you believe that the copier has only been around since 1960? What did they do before then?!? Well...another great article from Dana to let you know some cool facts.

5. Giving Hospital Rooms a Facelift - Looking Towards the Future - Oprah had a great article in her magazine, O, on the direction hospital rooms could be taking to help patient care. This was a review of that great piece.



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