November 9, 2011

Staying Healthy at the Office

On Tuesday this week, my running partner showed up to Greenlake at 5am with a bad cold. Personally, I'm a proponent of trying to exercise all the bad stuff out, if possible (I do not recommend if you have bronchitis or walking pneumonia). So jogging a nice steady pace in the brisk weather wasn't terrible. However, it reminded me that we're hitting that time of year when our coworkers are getting sick from their kids and coming to the office anyway. And this leads to other coworkers getting sick from them....and there's not enough airborne or vitamin c in the grocery store to save you once you catch it.

So, I've done a little digging to offer some tips on attempting to stay healthy this cold season. Some are obvious - but it's always good to have a reminder now and then:

1. Keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face. Mother Nature Network says "it's all too easy to touch something in the workplace that someone else with a cold has touched, too". I am a perpetual face toucher. So even though I constantly wash my hands, I'm still at risk.

2. Keep your workspace clean. says "Clean your phone, computer keyboard and anything else that you use frequently. Even if you are the only user, germs can live on these objects and you can reinfect yourself". I keep a container of lysol disinfecting wipes at my station and wipe it down every other day...just in case.

3. Chew Ginger. According to Genius Beauty Magazine, "Chew the roots of a sweet flag and ginger. They are rich in essential oils with antibacterial properties. Break a bit off the root, put it in your mouth and chew until tasteless". Those who are pregnant or have stomach troubles should probably pass though!

4. Keep an air ionizer by your desk. According to Business Insider, "This will purify air from dust particles and bacteria, keeping you healthier overall. We like this one on Amazon for $30."

5. Keep geranium on your desk. According to Business Insider, "The leaves of the plant emit phytoncides that kill airborne  bacteria. When you feel like sneeze coming, tear a leaf off the plant and rub it between your fingers to release more phytoncides. Inhale a pleasant odor for a moment instead of sneezing all over your workspace".

For more great tips, click on the links above for the full articles. Stay Healthy!!!

~ Kendal

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