May 30, 2012

Stress Relief for the Workplace

Recently, Turnstone wrote a blog (which included a very cool inforgraphic) on stress in the workplace. According to their research, 80% of employees say they are stressed. This isn't something that comes as a particular surpise, sadly, but that does mean that there are a whole lot of people out there not exactly happy.

Turnstone's research offers suggestions with creating a perfect office anatomy to help improve conditions. Fixing the temperature, better light, and allowing for plants are proven to help reduce stress. Additionally, the color of the room can be a big impact as well (please check out their article for more info).

I thought it would be beneficial to find a few more tips and tricks from the web that could help ease some of your stress. Some are easier than others, but it's good to have a few options. Plus, if you're like me, you don't have control over the temperature or the color of your office (or cube), so having these to fall back on can't hurt.

Ririan Project (which is a personal development blog) has 19 Suggestions for stress relief (which you can check out here). They recommend having stress balls at your desk,  reducing distractions, taking breaks and walking away - which doubles as being good for your overall health! - and eating fish? "Australian researchers have discovered that eating oily fish such as salmon and sardines can help lower stress levels. This is because oily fish are jam-packed full of omega-3 fatty acids which help your nervous system to function properly and reduce the affects of hostility and aggression".

Natural Bloom offers some additional tips (which you can find all of here). Taking a few minutes to listen to your favorite music can reenergize you (and calm you down...the Beatles do that for me). Deep breathing and herbal teas to calm and sooth. Also, take a few moments to massage your forehead and temples, as well as standing up and stretching. 

Sound simple enough? Stress is going to happen, but once you realize it's coming head on you can take a few moments to relax before it completely overwhelms you. Do you have any tricks you use for stress? Maybe a mid-day kickboxing class or a particular routine you use? Let us know!

~ Kendal

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