September 7, 2011

Staying Fit in the Office - Edition 2

Personally, I think going to the office can be painful (and recent articles concur!). Depending on your current employment situation, you could be sitting at your desk for 8 hours a day, ignoring your body, blinding your senses with the computer monitor lights or worse, squinting to see your mobile devices latest email from your boss while simultaneously doing a PowerPoint presentation on the importance of sustainability in the office.

In my first blog regarding your health and the office, I mentioned a lot of articles depicting the negative affect sitting all day does to our body. I also listed a few possible ways to get out of your chair - including a desk that can raise for standing height, exercises you can do discreetly, and trying to talk your boss into getting a walk station! 

I thought it would be good to introduce you to a  few more cool ideas for your office!

Meet Sit to Walk Station!
The younger sibling of the Walkstation, this little beauty fits conveniently under your height adjustable desk for easy movement and flow. It's personal and convenient!

 Meet Kybun Footpad

A second cousin of the walkstations, this footbed provides necessary blood flow which helps remove toxins! Again, perfect for the height adjustable desk!

And finally,  meet the Mini Pedal Exerciser

If you're like me, you may have lost your height adjustable desk and semi private space to the accounting girl who no longer works at your office. Or, your office doesn't have a budget to install the sit to walk in every station - and if Jimmy and Johnny can't have a sit to walk station, there's no way you'll be getting one in the foreseeable future. Enter the manual mini bike. These puppies run from $20 - $140 depending on just how serious your pedaling needs are. I will be getting the cheapest model possible because I'm really just trying to have body movement throughout the day as opposed to trying to hit my cardio goals (I'm at the gym reeeaaallllyyyy early for that). Amazon has quite the variety...check them out here!

In conclusion, keep moving (tap your feet, circle your arms, do some squat lunges)! I know it's easy to get tied to the computer. But getting up every 50 minutes or introducing your feet to a mini pedal exerciser is a great way to keep the blood flow moving!


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