July 6, 2011

Thought of the Day - Organizational Communication

There have been many times over the last 8 months that I have needed to remind myself I am no longer a sprightly young undergrad with nothing to worry about except soccer practice and not oversleeping for that 8am class. Last night was one of those evenings...and as I finished the last paper of the semester for my Masters program in the wee hours of the morning, I gave into thoughts about my favorite topic of recent days, organizational communication, and how differently it can be approached and received.

“Communication is the glue that holds organizations together; it is the chief means by which people relate to one another. The aim of organizational communications is to ensure that everyone understands both external and internal issues facing the organization and what the individuals must do to contribute to the organization’s success” - John Baldino, Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders 

Completing a communication audit can be quite exhilarating. You are evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of a company based on how well they communicate to each other and to the outside world. It affects every aspect of the business - from HR to IT, Marketing to Operations. Understanding the important role communication plays inside the organization and reveiling ineffective or poor practices can save a business time and money, as well as improve employee satisfaction and productivity. 

 “Communication belongs to everyone in the organization; it is not a functional responsibility limited to marketing, public relations, or human resources. Communications must become a core competency…”  - John Baldino, Great Communication Secrets of Great Leaders 

For more information on steps to performing a communication audit for your company, check out this great two page overview from Urban Words Group. Click Here!

~ Kendal

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